Aim Assist
Aim Assist is a common feature for console shooter games to compensate for the deficiency of using a controller. Most games' Aim Assist will snap towards the target if you're close to it keeping you on target.It tricks the In-Game Aim Assist to be always on by using an exploit that moves the cross-hairs around the actual aim point in a shake pattern, so when the target is moving it fools the game into thinking you're tracking with the target and it will pull the cross-hairs along with it. However, this is only available for about one second after you make your shot.
Aim Assist Adjustable ValuesAim Assist: Adjust Strength (1 - 100): Aim Assist strength sets how much shake your crosshairs will have.
Option | Description | Adjustable |
Disabled | Aim Assist & Quick Toggle is Disabled | No |
Enabled | Aim Assist is Enabled | Yes |
Aim Assist Quick Toggle: HOLD LT/L2 & PRESS D-PAD LEFT