Exile's Settings
Here, you will find all in-game settings, including graphics, audio, and more of the Cronus ZEN Discord moderator and cronus.vip member "Exile" now for you all to see how exactly Exile optimizes his gameplay. Whether youโre looking for ways to enhance your performance or just curious about his setup, youโll find all the details right here!

Platform: PS5 Controller: PS5 DualSense Edge Additional: ZEN Link Headset: Simgot EM6l + Moondrop Mic DAC: Astro MixAmp (Star Mode, no EQ) Controller: PS5 DualSense Edge GamePack: COD: WZ4 BEAM2.0 GamePack
Controller - Left Stick Min: 5 - Left Stick Max: 75 - Right Stick Min: 10 - Right Stick Max: 99 - Left Trigger: 13 - Right Trigger: 13 - Vibration. On - Haptic Trigger: Full Effect
Aiming - Aim Response Curve Type: Dynamic - Slope Scale: 1.00
Intelligent Movement - Sprint Assist: On - Mantle Assist: Off - Crouch Assist: Off - Corner Slide: Off
Movement Behaviours - Slide/Dive Behaviours: Hybrid - Sprint Restore: On - Slide Maintains Sprint: On - Mantle Cancels Reload: Off
Quality - Upscaling/Sharpening: FIDELITYFX CAS --> FIDELITYFX CAS Strength: 100 Field of View - Field of View: 119 - ADS Field of View: Affected - Weapon Field of View: Wide - 3rd Person Field of View: 90 - Vehicle Field of View: Wide
Details & Textures - Depth of Field: Off Camera - World Motion Blur: Off - Weapon Motion Blur: Off
Global - Audio Mix: Sucker Punch - Mono Audio: Off
All other settings not mentioned here are set to default.
- Sensitivity: 65/65 - 60/60 (HIP/ADS) - Deadzones: 5/5 (Left/Right Min) - Aim Response Curve Type: Dynamic - FoV: 119 Affected - Anti-Recoil: OFF Enemy - Silent Aim: V2 - Aim Assist Booster Type: Controller --> Aim Assist Booster Option: 3 - Aim Manipulation: ENABLED/150 - Hair Trigger: ENABLED - Slide Cancel: ENABLED - Sniper Breath: ENABLED - VM Speed: 4ms