🔴 Anti-Recoil
Recoil is when your weapon moves on its own while firing. Anti-Recoil reduces this erratic movement making your shots more accurate and more likely to hit your target. For example, without Anti-Recoil your weapon may pull up when you fire and with Anti-Recoil your weapon will stay on target and fire straight.
Each weapon in each game has a unique recoil pattern and when adjusted correctly Anti-Recoil simply combats the vertical (and sometimes horizontal) aspect of this. When the game causes the weapon to pull up, Anti-Recoil will pull the weapon down enough to level out your shot.
Info: Anti-Recoil values are different for each weapon, and the built-in Weapon Tracking System applies expert Anti-Recoil values and other Mod settings specific to the Primary or Secondary Weapon you are using. However, attachments can change the mechanics of the weapon, so we also provide the ability to fine-tune the horizontal and vertical X & Y-Axis for both Primary and Secondary weapons.
Pro Tip: A higher value means a stronger recoil compensation, and a lower value means less recoil compensation. Anti-Recoil Vertical strength for both Primary and Secondary Weapons can be adjusted from -100 to 100, and Horizontal Strength from -100 to 100 in real-time by using the Zen OLED GamePack Adjustable Menu. This allows you to quickly tune your weapon directly from your controller while playing the game, and without having to unplug and connect your Zen to a PC. The new multi-stage recoil scales a weapon's pattern by a percentage. If you notice too much up or down movement decrease the Y value. Increasing Y will make up and down movement greater. Should you want to lessen left and right movement decrease X while increasing it will make these movements stronger.
If you are using the Inverted-Y Axis version of this Mod, the Invert Vertical Look In-Game option must be set to enabled.
Option | Description | Adjustable |
Disabled | Anti-Recoil Mod & Quick Toggle is Disabled | No |
Enabled | Anti-Recoil is Enabled | Yes |
Inverted-Y | Anti-Recoil (Inverted-Y) Mod is Enabled Inverts Right Stick Axis (Enable In-Game Also) | Yes |
Anti-Recoil Quick Toggle: HOLD LT/L2 & PRESS D-PAD DOWN