Turbo Max


Whenever this GamePack is first loaded and after turbo options are set you will need to hold VIEW/SHARE + MENU/OPTIONS to allow the use of turbo buttons. This was done in order to prevent unwanted turbo actions when initially loading the slot this GamePack is loaded onto. You will then see an OLED notification letting you know that turbo functionality is enabled.

🟡 Turbo Capable

The DPAD, face buttons, bumpers, triggers, and analog sticks are all capable of having a turbo function applied. This can make many actions in game easier and a turbo button can be used for a variety of actions such as rapid fire of a trigger, quick time events and more!

Each button that has turbo enabled can be set to function differently depending on the Hold Time (Amount of time the button is held) and the Rest Time (Amount of time a button is released). This time is done in milliseconds with a range of 5 milliseconds to 30000 milliseconds or 30 seconds.

🟡 Turbo States

Each button, bumper, trigger, and analog stick has 4 options that are used to determine the state of how a button reacts to turbo functionality.

Inactive (default) this means that no turbo is applied and the button will function as it normally would.

Turbo (rapid inputs when held) when this option is selected the button will turbo only when it is held.

Auto-Turbo (rapid inputs indefinitely) when selected the button will turbo whether or not the button is held.

Hold (input remains held indefinitely) using this option functions similarly to Auto-Turbo with the difference that the turbo will toggle on and off when the button is pressed.

🟡 Turbo Direction Behavior

Set if Turbo Direction should always turbo or turbo if the chosen turbo button is held for 250 milliseconds or more. If enabled and a chosen turbo button is held for under 250 milliseconds the button will function like normal allowing for a button to be used normally or turbo without toggling the gamepack.

🟡 Auto Turbo Interrupt

If enabled this mod will stop a turbo button that has been set to auto. Repressing the chosen turbo button once again will re-enable the turbo function.