New 32-bit Updates
GPC scripting is available in both 16-bit and 32-bit flavors. Developing using 32-bit allows for a much larger address space, which means more memory can be accessed and used by the GamePack.
16-bit has a maximum of 2^16 possible values and 32bit has a maximum of 2^32 possible values.
16-bit: 0000 0000 0000 0000
32-bit: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
32-bit scripting support allows for vastly greater calculations, enabling more precision, more accuracy, and more automation - especially for M.O.D.s such as Aim Assist and Anti-Recoil.
Previously, the variable calculation range with 16-bit (-32768 to 32767), but now with 32-bit that range has increased to a massive (−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647), allowing for much more complex calculations that can be scaled up then back down while retaining a high level of accuracy, enabling a degree of precision not previously available.
Size | Minimum Value | Maximum Value |
8-bits | -(2^8) = -128 | 2^8 - 1 = 127 |
16-bits | -(2^16) = -32,768 | 2^16 - 1 = 32,767 |
32-bits | -(2^32) = -2,147,483,648 | 2^32 - 1 = 2,147,483,647 |
We've also added three new incredibly powerful GPC functions, get_polar, get_ipolar and get_info.
get_ipolar() is the latest brand new function that can be used to gain information to retrieve the unmodified input value of the analog stick. It can be used with both left and right analog sticks, get_ipolar() uses 2 parameters in the function, 1st is the stick you want to use and the 2nd parameter is either Angle or Radius. Only Angle or Radius can be retrieved at once.
- The POLAR_ANGLE can be within the range of 0 - 359 and this depends on the current direction the stick has been pushed.
- The POLAR_RADIUS has a range of 0 - 32767 and this represents how far from the center the stick is pushed.
<POLAR_ANGLE> Returns the unmodified Angle on an analog stick POLAR_LS or POLAR_RS (0-359).
<POLAR_RADIUS> Returns the unmodified radius of an analog stick POLAR_LS or POLAR_RS (0 - 32767).
Either the unmodified angle or radius will be returned depending on the given parameter.
get_polar is a brand-new function that can be used to gain information on the current angle or radius of the analog stick. It can be used with both left and right analog sticks, get_polar() uses 2 parameters in the function, 1st is the stick you want to use, and the 2nd parameter is either Angle or Radius. Only Angle or Radius can be retrieved at once.
- The POLAR_ANGLE can be within the range of 0 - 359 and this depends on the current direction the stick has been pushed.
- The POLAR_RADIUS has a range of 0 - 32767 and this represents how far from the center the stick is pushed.
<POLAR_ANGLE> Returns the Angle on an analog stick POLAR_LS or POLAR_RS (0-359).
<POLAR_RADIUS> Returns the radius of an analog stick POLAR_LS or POLAR_RS (0 - 32767).
Either the angle or radius will be returned depending on the given parameter.
set_polar2is a virtual stick that you can use to quickly calculate values without the hassle of time-consuming trigonometry functions.
- POLAR_GHOST is the virtual stick where an angle and radius can be assigned using set_polar2.
- ANALOG_GHOSTX is the virtual X AXIS to be used with both math and trigonometry functions.
- ANALOG_GHOSTY is the virtual Y AXIS to be used with both math and trigonometry functions.
get_info is a new function that checks the active state of the MK Profile. An MK Profile has up to 6 different states as follows (0 = HIP, 1 = ADS, 2 = AUX1, 3 = AUX2, 4 = AUX3, 5 = AUX4). With this information, you are able to script for any specific state and take action accordingly.
For example, you can have mods automatically toggle ON/OFF based on if you are HIP firing, Aiming Down Sights (ADS), or using any of the 4 Auxiliary MK profiles. Think of the possibilities...
<PENDING_CONFIG> Shows usage for the pending config.
<ACTIVE_CONFIG> Shows the usage for the active config.
Active profile in use by MK Settings:
Return | Profile |
0 | HIP |
1 | ADS |
2 | AUX1 |
3 | AUX2 |
4 | AUX3 |
5 | AUX4 |
int32 is a brand new 32-bit function that is used to create an array that holds values greater than 32767 and less than -32768.
Traces are commonly used for debugging a script and viewing information from a script or game.
There are six TRACE debug fields found in Device Monitor that can be used by a GPC script for feedback information, flow control checking, and variables monitoring. TRACE_1 to TRACE_3 is for 32-bit values, TRACE_4 to TRACE_6 is for 16-bit values.
Trace Number | Integer Value |
TRACE_1 | 32-bit |
TRACE_2 | 32-bit |
TRACE_3 | 32-bit |
TRACE_4 | 16-bit |
TRACE_5 | 16-bit |
TRACE_6 | 16-bit |
For example, if you wanted to see the current value of a variable that was over the 16-bit limit you could set a trace using TRACE_1, TRACE_2, or TRACE_3 for the variable to see its value:
With the use of int32 and the 32-bit update, you can save much higher values to SPVAR than ever before.
Each 32-bit SPVAR can hold 1x32-bit (4 bytes) value of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Whereas the previous 16-bit SPVARs were only 16-bit (2 bytes) of -32,767 to 32,767. This can be extremely useful if you need to scale and save values for more advanced movements such as Anti-Recoil and Aim Assist.
Additionally, advanced developers who use bit packing in their GPC scripts are now able to store twice as much information in a SPVAR as they were before. With 16-bit you were only able to store 2x8-bit values with a range of -32768 to 32767; with 32bit you can store double that amount with 4x8-bit values.
💥 Bit-Packing
To optimize memory usage, you can use the Bit-Packing SPVARs guide. This technique packs variables more densely, so is especially useful when you're trying to fit more code into the 64K space, which is particularly important for complex scripts that require a large amount of data storage.
Bit-Packing allows you to store multiple values within a single variable by utilizing bitwise operations, ensuring you make the most out of the available space.
Here is an example of a Strafe Mod not being possible using 16-bit. The new get_polar function is used to return the current radius of the left analog stick. This value is then multiplied by a set number or 50 in this example, then once more by 100 to scale input. Then to scale the value back down it is divided by 20000. The resulting value is then used as a strength that is applied to the left stick to strafe left and right.
Info: While GPC does not support float, a far higher degree of accuracy is achieved by first scaling up and then back down.
Here's an example of scaling a recoil value though this time it is for 32-bit. Here the value is much higher which leads to much greater accuracy when calculating a value. The value seen in TRACE_3 could be applied to either stick as a polar value leading to much greater results. In the example, the recoil value is scaled up based on sensitivity, deadzone, and a modifier (accounts for attachments).
Here's an example of how you could scale an Anti-Recoil value using 16-bit. Though due to value limitations and truncation you do lose a little accuracy.
Here's an example of Anti-Recoil using a 16-bit GamePack vs Anti-Recoil using a 32-bit GamePack.
The 16-bit compiler is still available for older scripts not designed for 32-bit. If you get an error while compiling a script, it's likely because you're trying to compile a 16-bit script in the 32-bit compiler - or the script has deprecated functions that no longer work and needs to be updated.