M&K Introduction
The Cronus Zen Mouse & Keyboard (MK) system has been engineered to make you feel like you're gaming on a PC with a minimal amount of effort. The all-new Zen Game Profiles produce the best possible aiming experience and are designed to require minimal configuration.
Some games may not play or display a warning. If this happens, exit the game, close Zen Studio, unplug the PROG (mini-USB) cable from the Zen, then try to boot the game again.
The EULA of a game may prohibit you from using third-party devices, scripts, mods, and macros, therefore, use GamePacks & Scripts at your own risk.
DO NOT use any GamePacks or scripts until you have tuned the mouse settings to where movement is what you expect/like. Most MODs are engineered specifically for controllers (unless specified), so the sensitivity settings are very different to the controller settings you are likely following if you're having problems with MOD performance.

First, follow Step 1 - Setup Mouse & Keyboard which shows you how to connect and setup your MK hardware (many users rush into this and connect both MK at the same time and try to set everything up all at once - which is completely wrong). You can also connect a standard controller alongside a mouse or keyboard. This is useful for users who wish to use the left analog stick on the controller for movement, and the mouse (right analog stick) for aiming and shooting.
Next up, visit Step 2 - Import Game Profile and select your favorite game, then match the Mouse DPI or your chosen profile, and away you go - out of the box up and running in minutes!
If you wish to use a different DPI or prefer to use a different mapping layout, continue to Step 3 - Advanced Tuning where we show you how to tune the DeadZone Compensation & Sensitivity, and also how to change button mapping with both HIP and ADS to suite your personal playing style.
Last step is Step 4 - Using a GamePack with Mouse & Keyboard which helps you when adding a GamePack so you can setup your Mouse and Keyboard.
Tip: It is important to remember that the Cronus Zen digitally converts Mouse & Keyboard Signals to raw controller outputs - so the mouse will always appear as a controller on your Console or PC. The major benefit of this is being able to join Controller lobbies using MK. Even without using MODs you will likely smoke everyone in the room😁