Strafe Shot
Strafe Shot is a technique that allows players to quickly reposition themselves in a fight, avoid enemy fire, and take advantage of cover. It is a common technique used in first-person shooters, especially in online multiplayer matches, to make the character move in a more realistic and dynamic way, allowing to dodge bullets, and to make it harder for the enemy to aim and hit the player.
The MOD works by moving laterally while simultaneously aiming and firing at an opponent, allowing you to dodge bullets, making it harder for the enemy to retaliate.
The most notable benefits of the Strafe Shot MOD include:
- Increased Mobility: Strafe Shot allows players to move and shoot at the same time, giving them greater control over their character and allowing them to quickly reposition themselves in a firefight.
- Improved Aim: Allows players to track targets while moving, making it easier to hit them and increasing the chances of getting kills.
- Increased Versatility: The Strafe Shot MOD can be used in a variety of situations and environments, making it a useful technique for players to have in their arsenal.
- Cronus Advantage: By having the advantage of Cronus Zen, players can feel more confident in their abilities and play more aggressively, leading to more wins.
To put it simply, the Strafe Shot MOD allows players to move and shoot at the same time, giving them a greater level of mobility and control over their character. This can be especially useful in situations where players need to quickly reposition themselves while also taking out enemies or targets. It also allows the player to take advantage of cover and make it harder for the enemy to hit the player.
"Weapon Bloom" is an effect that refers to the spread of bullets which occurs when firing a weapon. This can reduce the accuracy of a player's shots, making it more difficult to hit targets, especially at longer ranges.
Bloom was introduced to the mechanics of most modern shooters as a way to level the playing field for lower-skilled players and provide a challenge for higher-skilled players. In this way, bloom can be seen as a balancing mechanism, designed to make the game more accessible to players of all skill levels, while still providing a competitive and challenging experience for the most skilled players.
Most of the major titles have a certain amount of Weapon Bloom; the worst being:
- Battlefield (All Weapons)
- Battle Royales (Almost All)
- Halo (DMR)
- Warzone 2.0 (Battle Rifle & Marksman Rifle)
- MW2 (Battle Rifle & Marksman Rifle)
The weapons most impacted by bloom are semi-automatics when used with a Rapid Fire MOD set to higher rates of fire. On the other hand, slower rates of fire reduce the spread of bullets, lowering the bloom effect.
Additionally, HIP firing (shooting without aiming down sights) results in a much larger bloom compared to aiming down sights (ADS), which offers improved accuracy and control.
The video below showcases a semi-automatic weapon using a Rapid Fire MOD, HIP firing at both fast and slow rates. By comparing the two, it's clear to see the difference in bloom - with the fast rate resulting in an erratic expansion of the crosshair, while the slower rate maintains a tight crosshair pattern, demonstrating improved accuracy.

Keep your cool, cowboy! Just remember, fire slow and sidestep like a matador, and you'll tame that Bloom in no time! 😄
This is what the source code of a Strafe Shot MOD looks like. Note that all button labels match their corresponding buttons on other controllers. For example, if the script says XB1_RT (Right Trigger), it will also press the Right Trigger (R2) on a PlayStation controller.
Each community supported GamePack includes an exclusive feature that provides precise control over the activation of Shot MODs through the selection of trigger combinations.
Activation Triggers are particularly valuable when utilizing multiple MODs, as it allows for differentiated activation. For instance, one MOD may be activated solely through the use of the FIRE trigger, while another MOD may require activation through the simultaneous use of both the FIRE and ADS triggers.
Shot MODs in community supported GamePacks can be activated by any one of the following triggers:
- ON FIRE: The MOD is activated instantly as soon as you pull the Fire trigger. The ADS trigger is ignored.
- ADS & FIRE: The MOD is activated as soon as you pull the Fire & ADS triggers together.
- FIRE ONLY: The MOD is activated instantly as soon as you pull the Fire trigger. Pulling the ADS trigger will block the MOD completely.
- ADS ONLY: The MOD is activated instantly as soon as you pull the ADS trigger.
We would like to remind our users that the use of MODs, or modifications, may not be allowed in official tournaments or in compliance with the game's End User License Agreement (EULA). It is the user's responsibility to review the rules and regulations of a specific game or tournament prior to using any MODs, to ensure that their use is in compliance with any terms and conditions. Failure to do so may result in disqualification or violation of the game's EULA.