STEP 2: Update Firmware
The latest firmware is packed with new features and bug fixes, including the game-changing support for the PlayStation 5 and DualSense & DualSense Edge controllers, a world first!
So, if you're rocking an older version, it's time for an upgrade. 🚀💥🎮
Connect your Cronus Zen to a computer from the CONSOLE/PC USB port.

Press and hold Zen's blue reset button until the OLED screen displays 'Zen Bootloader'.
Open Zen Studio and select Tools > Firmware Update. The firmware tool should detect your Zen and will display its current firmware version and serial number. Click on it.
If the firmware update tool displays No Devices Found, or some other error, this is usually a faulty USB cable, however you should check out the Firmware Troubleshooting Guide for a solution to every possible issue.

Hit 'Begin Update'. In 18 secs, your Zen will be rocking firmware version .👌